Brux Night Guard 3 image
Various Benefits of Wearing a Night Guard

There are different reasons why people wear a night guard and the most common one would be for protecting their teeth from wearing down because of clenching or grinding, which is a kind of condition that’s known as bruxism. Some of the other reasons for wearing a night guard would be for reducing jaw pain, stopping the popping and clicking of the jaw, stopping lock jaws or in performing TMJ therapies. Whatever the kind of reason for it is that there are other advantages that can be obtained. See bruxism mouth guard

Less Pain and Lesser Tension

A night guard is a practical, lightweight and is also comfortable. The dentist will actually design the night guard specifically for your teeth to where it will help in reducing stress that’s placed on your jaw joints and muscles. It will help to effectively reduce the wear and tear and will likewise help to ensure that your teeth will be protected.

Preventing Headaches

Headaches are truly discomforting, which usually comes with TMD or temporomandibular disorders. The use of night guards will make a big difference for such aches and pains. There are a lot of people who in fact are surprised that after they have used their night guard regularly, they have experienced few or no temporal headaches or an associated neck pain.

Tooth Damage Prevention

It is considered to be one of the crucial benefits in wearing a night guard. A nightly unconscious grinding and clenching of your teeth and jaw could potentially lead to chipped teeth, excessive wear of your teeth and damaged fillings. If you wear a night guard, it will help to ensure comfort and ensure quality of smile. View causes of tmj

Getting Improved Sleep Patterns

Night guards could also give the best possible comfort and minimizing symptoms that will help to improve sleep patterns. Also, the night guard will position the jaw in a way which will help to facilitate relaxation of muscles and in keeping it relaxed to avoid the stress-filled sleep which usually comes with TMD.

Saving for the Long-term

A tooth damage which has been caused by an unconscious nightly grinding and clenching of the jaw and teeth can be costly. Also, a downside of teeth clenching is that it will slowly destroy your teeth. If this ever happens, a restorative dental treatment will be needed for both functional and aesthetic purposes, which can be an expensive investment.

Setting up your night guard is actually a simple process and can be done with only two visits, which is where one, to create the mold and the other would be for testing the filling. The advantages about wearing night guards are truly something that one could benefit from, which is also the best way to ensure convenience and protecting your teeth.

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